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It might be your time



When you have lost hope and believe nothing will ever change.



  • When you can't shake off the sadness and the tears won’t stop flowing.

  • When you are accused of having anger issues

  • When getting out of bed and taking a shower is too much to ask

  • When every conversation turns into an argument

  • You wish you would not wake up.

  • When you keep choosing the same kind of person who predictably breaks your heart.

  • When you are unable to reach a resolution regarding a problem

  • When the person you committed to love forever is now a roommate

  • When you stay up to watch the news, in hopes your partner falls asleep.  

  • When you are accused of having anger issues

  • When toxicity is the only support, you know.

  • When every conversation turns into an argument

  • When you crave to be seen and heard




  • When you worry about everything and everybody.

  • When the lump in your throat and the tightness in your chest does not lift

  • When you are paralyzed by fear and unable to move forward

  • When you want to sleep, but you cannot.


  • When your dreams do not manifest into reality.

  • When expectations only produce disappointment.

  • When your secrets dominate your thought life and shame you into silence and isolation.

  • When shopping, drugs, alcohol, food or sex cannot numb the pain.

  • When the lump in your throat and the tightness in your chest does not lift

  • When you are triggered by a scent, a sound, a touch, a place or thing.

  • When the past lives in your present and you can not let it go. 



  • When you have lost hope and believe nothing will ever change

  • When your secrets dominate your thought life and shame you into silence and isolation

  • You anticipate something bad will happen and wait for the other shoe to drop.

  • When you accept that you are never good enough or worthy

Image by Hasan Albari


  • When giving life to your voice seems impossible

  • When you sacrifice your needs over the needs of others—all the time.

  • Despite the truth, you reject all goodness about yourself.

  • When you are unable to embrace your goodness, your greatness and your areas of growth.

  • When you are unable to articulate your needs.

  • When you do not know what you feel.

  • When you are unable to share your whole self with another person.


Image by Liana Mikah


  • When shopping, drugs, alcohol, food or sex cannot numb the pain.

  • When you sabotage anything good in your life (relationships, career, finances, future)



  • Being able to manage a loss in your life and deal with all of the emotions instead of stuffing them or running from them. 

  • Being able to recognize the red flags of someone who is not right for you

  • Being able to speak your truth in love to your loved ones, friends and professional relationships

  • Being able to reignite your passion and love

  • Being able to set healthy boundaries for yourself

  • Having your hope restored because you chose to embrace a different perspective and give it another try

  • Silencing the negative thoughts and stopping the cycle of despair

  • Confronting your fears

  • Having a new way to communicate your deepest thoughts and be heard

  • Receiving love in a reciprocal, mutually loving relationship

  • Releasing the pain you have buried for decades

  • Your heart being open to life and love

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